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Sander, Christian
Schmidt, Alexander
Documentation Activities External resource Education CMS CERN-LHC
This tutorial by Christian Sander and Alexander Schmidt gives a basic introduction to fundamental concepts of data analysis in HEP experiments, using a small sample of specially released CMS data collected in 2011. It has been used for a one-week course in the context of a HEP workshop and a data analysis school. It should be most useful for undergraduate students who have a basic knowledge of particle physics, but without any experience in data analysis. Prerequisites are some knowledge of C++ and the ROOT data analysis framework (there are dedicated tutorials on ROOT as well).
This tutorial is using a small fraction (50 pb-1) of real CMS data taken in 2011, stored in plain root tuples, to facilitate simplified analyses (the CMS collaboration board has agreed that this particular dataset can be released for educational purposes).
These open data are released under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.
Neither the experiment(s) ( CMS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.