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Lehti, Sami
Helsinki Inst. of Phys.
Documentation Activities External resource Education CMS CERN-LHC
This introductory course by S. Lehti is aimed at students with no prior knowledge of computing methods in high-energy physics. Prior knowledge of some programming language is needed. The course goes through basics of programming languages in high-energy physics (FORTRAN, C++, python), software for analysis and visualisation (ROOT), some software for calculating cross-sections and branching ratios, simulation of collisions (event generation), basics of CMS software (CMSSW) and an introduction to grid computing. This course is developed in the University of Helsinki for students interested in experimental particle physics.
All exercises are compatible with the CMS open data image available from the portal, but have not been tested with it yet.
These open data are released under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.
Neither the experiment(s) ( CMS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.